Welcome to the Brotherhood (Trophy Unlocked) *Spoilers*
Assassins Creed Brotherhood (ACB) Image by crbalmer via Flikr.com This installment of the series is thought of by many as the best that Ubisoft have produced for Assassins Creed. It always features within the top 3 of many website, magazine and YouTube countdowns which I agree with, as the game is also in my own top 3; however playing this immediately after finishing ACII has made me question whether it is in fact the greatest. Personally for me, one thing that let's the game down is the trophy requirement for 100% synchronisation (sync) in ACB, as part of the free DLC content within The Ezio Collection. I am a trophy hunter and long for those platinum trophies. This is the first in the series to introduce the 100% sync aspect for your ancestors memories which since then has featured in all following games, but only for completion of the main story-line. To achieve 100% sync you must complete an optional objective within that sequ...